Hal Harris, Jr.

Office: HSB 433 • 983-5950

979-3000 (Cell)

Office Hours - Spring 2013

Mon, Wed & Fri   9am-12pm
Tue & Thu   9am-9:30am & 10:45am-12pm


Tue/Thu   CIS 207 (30925)   9:30-10:45am  HSB 447/415
Internet   CIS 207 (34154)  
Internet   CIS 208 (34156)  
Internet    CIS 146 (31120 & 31094)

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00-9:30am Office Hours Office Hours Office Hours Office Hours Office Hours
9:30-10:45am Office Hours CIS 207 Office Hours CIS 207 Office Hours
10:45-12pm Office Hours Office Hours Office Hours Office Hours Office Hours

NOTE: If you're trying to reach me, feel free to call my cell at 979-3000. I keep my cell on silent during class, but if you leave a message I will call you back after class.

Advisors - Business & Information Systems - Shelby/Hoover Campus
Computer Science - Web    Hal Harris, Jr.    HSB 433    983-5950    hharris@jeffstateonline.com   
Computer Science - Networking    Linda Dobyns    HSB 426    983-5951    lhanson@jeffstateonline.com   
Computer Science - Programming    Tommy Battles    HSB 427    983-5977    tbattles@jeffstateonline.com   
Business    Clark Schatz    HSB 430    983-5985    cschatz@jeffstateonline.com   
Business - Accounting    Barrett Cummings    HSB 429    983-5987    bschober@jeffstateonline.com   
Business    Justin Fisher    HSB 421    983-5901    jfisher@jeffstateonline.com   
Business    James W. Calhoun    HSB 422    983-5968     jwcalhoun@jeffstateonline.com   
Office Administration    Sandi Logan    HSB 428    983-5944    slogan@jeffstateonline.com